
Making the Bold.

The Brief

Valicity is not your average 'care home'. Valicity is all about creating a tailored network of support and a culture of ambition, self-belief and opportunity. Partnering with local authorities through residential homes and domiciliary services, Valicity is the product of people that actually care, providing mentorship, networks and hands-on support in assisting those in their care to create bright and independent futures. It’s not about empty promises. It’s not about doing the bare minimum. It’s about people’s lives. It’s about actually caring.

The Idea

Making the bold. The mind immediately thinks of 'breaking the mould'. Making a change, going against the grain. The swapping round of letters to create our alternate meaning is not only disruptive, but the play on language perfectly encapsulates two sides, as we see it, of Valicity.
We’re breaking the mould of the care system, breaking the mould of what it can often mean to 'be in care'. While at its core, Valicity’s focus is on its young people, who, with our support, will be the doers, the believers, the entrepreneurs, the creators of tomorrow. Break the mould. Make the bold.